Monday, December 6, 2010

"Merry ______mas" (What a pity)

Just a few years ago saying "Merry Christmas" was normal and an accepted thing. Those days are gone. As I go shopping all I hear is "Happy Holidays!" As I go driving, I mostly see signs for "Holiday Trees" or for "Winter Celebrations." Our world is changing - there is no doubt about it. 

I understand that "Christ" is in Christmas. As a Christian, I love it, embrace it, celebrate it. To non-believers it can be nothing short of offensive. I can understand that because if the title was something like "Buddha-mas" --- I would not want to say "Merry Buddha-mas" ever! I am not a buddhist why would I celebrate the birth of a "god" I don't believe in as my lord? But, then again, celebrating a holiday that is meaningless to me is pointless. But, apparently non believers don't view Christmas that way. People would rather try to strip Christmas down so that it can have a meaning that resonates with them. 

Personally, I wouldn't want to share in some random holiday just so that I could have an excuse to stuff stockings, have parties, and give & receive gifts. If people of a different religion wanted to celebrate such a holiday - fine by me. I just simply wouldn't partake in the festivities. There are holidays in America that I choose to not engage in and celebrate - I don't ask for their names to be changed just so that they can conform to the kind of holidays I want them to be. What's the point in attempting to rip the roots from something and be left with an empty ol' holiday? Has "meaning" lost its meaning to people? 

But, people (of all religions) love the holiday Christmas or rather "_______mas", and we are soon to reach a point where it is going to be the nameless holiday - all for political correctness sake. Are we just going to watch it dwindle down from its roots just so that we can make everyone, but Christ and Christians, happy? Songs, titles, and traditions are on their way out. I can hear it now, "Oh, Holiday tree. Oh, Holiday tree."  (Not that Jesus needs Christmas songs and trees, of course)

I know this is a free country - and I embrace that. I try to not impose my Christian beliefs on other people. But, as of late, the anti-Christian movement is imposing its beliefs on me. Christmas is a Christian holiday --- I hate to sound exclusive but there just isn't a way around the facts here. Tolerance is all the rage right now - our schools, our churches, our country are all supposed to be tolerant. Well, can you please tolerate the fact that I am going to continue to celebrate Christmas, have a Christmas tree,  and have a manger with Jesus Christ?

I have to point out though - that regardless of what kind of limitations this country tries to impose on me when it comes to how I wish to celebrate Christmas (even if they put tape over my mouth for the entire Christmas season), Christmas doesn't dwell in a title, a song, or traditions. The hope of the birth of Jesus dwells in my being. I can sing melodies to Him all year round - my celebration of Him never ends. 

(My kids will just be raised that "Happy Holidays" are 'code words' for "Merry CHRISTmas!!!" haha.)