Monday, June 20, 2011

A Willing Heart Doesn't Come From Bribery

Sometimes it doesn't feel so good to have to take one of Evod's beloved trucks away because he's not being obedient or kind or whatever the case may be. Oh, he seems so heartbroken at the departure of his toys as they go where all the toys go when their little master has lost the privilege of playing with them - on top of the dryer.

Well, you know, I am just not the kind of parent that thinks I am depriving my child of anything if I take his/her toys away or because I don't buy them treats every time we go to the store (buy my kids treats just so that he will behave --- no way!). They need to behave because that's what right not because he/she will get a treat out of it. Some would argue saying, "They are babies/toddlers they don't know how to 'behave'" or "They don't know what's right or how to be patient." Sure, I've considered those things. But, my response is : It's my responsibility to train them, guide them, and teach them such things. I can't just bribe them because I underestimate their ability to learn. (I do, however, like to spontaneously buy them treats because I simply want to bless them - but, bribe them? Not so much.)

Oh no, I refuse to underestimate how brilliant the minds of our little ones are and how capable they are of learning amazing and powerful things even early on in their lives. Perhaps we may not see the fruit of such things for days/months/years --- but I trust in their God given ability to learn. Sure, sometimes my efforts to communicate with a 3 (almost 4) and a 2 1/2 year old seem so repetitive, tiring, and well - fruitless. The truth is, though, is that seeds are being sown and I just have to be just as patient as I ask my kids to be sometimes.

As a mama, I grow weary and sometimes feel so incapable. Every night, I rejoice and thank the Lord for teaching and preparing my kids for great things in spite of me. I also celebrate in knowing He is not going to leave me high and dry. Just like our kids seem so incapable of learning sometimes, we may feel just as inept, but our Father doesn't view us that way. As His children, He knows what we are capable of and will continue to speak to us and purpose to teach us despite how repetitious it may be. Today, I pray that I am patient as I pour into my children just as my Father is patient as He pours into me.

Well, once Evod's trucks go into the dungeon called the "the dryer" do they stay they forever, never to see the light of day in my chipper little boy's room? No, no I allow Evod the opportunity to 'earn' his truck(s) back. A few minutes ago, he earned his trucks back. I just loved the look on his face as he smiled and said, "I earned it back, Mama?! I did!? I was patient and kind,  I was!?" Ahh.... sweet fruit. :)

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